111 Contact Code - Vulnerable Consumer Register

The Commerce Commission's 111 Contact Code was created to ensure that Vulnerable Consumers have reasonable access to an appropriate means of calling 111 emergency services in the event of a power failure.

What is the Code?

The 111 Code ensures that people who are more likely to need to contact 111, and who have a home phone that doesn’t work in a power failure (with no other means of contacting 111 at their house), are provided with a means to contact the 111 emergency services in the event of a power failure.

You can view the Commerce Commissions 111 Contact Code on their website at https://comcom.govt.nz/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/356650/Commission-111-Contact-Code-2024-26-June-2024.pdf

Please note: When attempting to use the 111 service, be prepared to provide detailed information on your physical location - as this will not be available to the operator. 

Frequently Asked Questions

All Gravity modems, routers and home phone devices (ATA's) will not work in the event of a power outage. Your internet connection relies on these devices to have power continuously. If you have a Gravity Home Phone service (phone service provided over the satellite internet connection), this service will also not work in a power outage. 

If your Gravity satellite internet connection fails due to a power outage, this will also mean you cannot use your Gravity Home Phone.  As a result, 111 services will be unavailable to you via the Gravity Home Phone. 

If your Gravity Home Phone fails due to a power outage, you could use a cell phone if you are inside phone coverage to call 111 emergency services. It is always advisable to keep your cell phone with suitable levels of battery power.  If you have an Uninterruptible  Power Supply unit (UPS), you should consider plugging your Gravity electronics (Modem, Router, ATA) into it - ensuring that there is sufficient power for all the devices.  You may also have other power supplies available, such as solar backup. 

If you have a “traditional” analogue landline provided via copper cable via another provider, the line will continue to work in a power cut as long you have a phone connected that does not need a separate power supply. 

If you are a “vulnerable” consumer under the definition of the Telecommunications Act 2001 and the “111 Contact Code”, you might be entitled to an alternative means to contact 111 in a power cut at no cost to you, 

To qualify as a “vulnerable” person you must be at particular risk of requiring 111 services such as: a known applicable medical condition, be exposed to family violence, or have certain disabilities.

You will need to show supporting evidence of this in the form from either:  (a) a protection order, (b) a letter from a health practitioner, or, (c) documentation of impairment.  You can also use a completed Electricity Authority ‘Notice of Potential Medically Dependant Consumer (MDC) Status’ form, which includes a certification from a DHB, private hospital or GP. Go to Electricity Authority: Medically dependent and vulnerable customers 

A nominated person can be: (a) If the health or disability category has been ticked in the form, then a health practitioner (such as a GP) could be a nominated person, or (b) If the safety category has been ticked, then a police officer, a currently registered social worker, a lawyer (with a current practising certificate), or a family court judge could be a nominated person

You will not qualify if you: (a) have access to a mobile phone and are able to make calls to 111 emergency services, (b) your services are already protected by a backup generator or battery, or (c)  your landline is provided by copper, as this technology does not rely on power at the premise and will continue to work in a power failure.

An application form must be completed in full and sent to us at PO Box 99184, Newmarket 1149, Auckland. You can also send us the completed form by email to: hello@getgravity.nz - when sending your completed form, please ensure that all supporting documentation is included (please do not provide original documents, copies will suffice). We are unable to assess an incomplete form.

You can find the application form here.

Once we receive a valid application form, we will inform you of our response within 10 business days. If your application is accepted, we will provide you with an alternative means to contact 111.

What happens to your information?

The information provided in the application will be used for the sole purpose of assessing your application. As part of the 111 Contact Code, Gravity is required to store the application information as it pertains to your case.  The Commerce Commission may request the application information. Accordingly,  Gravity must securely store the application information for five or more years, even after you stop being a customer, your application is declined, or the person stopped being a vulnerable consumer.  Support documentation will be destroyed once it has been reviewed and verified. 

If you or a consumer at your premises disagree with our response to your application, or a dispute arises about any rights or obligations under the 111 Contact Code you can contact us at hello@getgravity.nz or on 0800 114 518.  Failing a resolution with us, you can lay a complaint primarily with an industry dispute resolution scheme or the Commerce Commission.

NZ Relay is an excellent service to help deaf, hearing impaired, blind or speech impaired persons with critical information.

The provision of services under the 111 contact code are at NO COST to the customer.

Your provider cannot deny or cease supply of a residential landline service on the basis that the provider knows or suspects a consumer is, or may become, a vulnerable consumer.

Should you want to lodge a complaint with Gravity about anything related to the 111 Contact Code, you can do so in writing to "The General Manager" 110B Mount Eden Road, Mount Eden, Auckland 1024, by email michael@getgravity.nz or by phone 0800 112 027.
Should you not be offered a satisfactory resolution within 5 working days, you can escalate your dispute to the Telecommunications Dispute Resolution (TDR) at tdr.org.nz   
If at any point you have further concerns, we recommend contacting the Commerce Commission directly at https://comcom.govt.nz/report-a-concern