Gravity Internet Network Status

We use this page to let you know about any planned or unplanned outages on our networks.  We generally have planned maintenance outages a few times a month - these outages tend to be minor and occur overnight to minimise any disruption.

Check below to find out what's happening!

Current Unplanned Outages


Upcoming Planned Maintenance

Gravity's satellite partner, Kacific, will be conducting routine, planned maintenance to the network on which services to New Zealand are provided. This work applies to all customers with a terminal name (confirmed in your customer profile) that starts with the suffix “GVT” or “GRAVITY”. Kacific has indicated a caution window of four hours, being 3am to 7am New Zealand Time, during which there will be an intermittent impact to services.

This work will have no consequence to services provided via Gravity's other satellite partners (i.e. Optus).